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WWW Wednesday | 10.16.2019

WWW Wednesday - Weekly Blog Tag

It’s Wednesday, and that means it is time for WWW Wednesday! WWW Wednesdays is a weekly tag that is currently being hosted by Taking on a World of Words! Wondering how WWW Wednesday works? Just answer the three Ws!

Those three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren! I’m about 50% into the book, and I’m enjoying it. It did have a bit of a slow start, but I can’t wait to finish it! I am really invested in Tate and can’t wait to see how this story unfolds.

What did you recently finish reading?

I actually haven’t finished another book yet. I’ve been dealing with some personal things that have made it harder for me to focus on reading. I also babysat my nieces all weekend long, so I focused on family instead of my books, which was a nice change of pace.

What do you think you’ll read next?

My TBR is officially out of control, but I am hoping to finally read some of my must-read books. That means that I’m definitely eyeing Desperate Measures by Katee Robert as my next read. I have a lot of ARCs waiting for me, but this book has been calling to me ever since I knew of its existence.

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