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WWW Wednesday | 12.18.2019

WWW Wednesday - Weekly Blog Tag

It’s Wednesday, and that means it is time for WWW Wednesday! WWW Wednesdays is a weekly tag that is currently being hosted by Taking on a World of Words! Wondering how WWW Wednesday works? Just answer the three Ws!

Those three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

I just started reading an unpublished novel from a lovely individual I met at Denver Pop Culture Con. I’m only a few pages in, but so far I’m enjoying it.

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished A Violet Fire by Kelsey Quick. This book took me 15 days to read because I just never found the time to read it. Ultimately I liked it though it never fully grabbed me. This will be a great book for young adults looking for a dystopian vampire novel. 

What do you think you’ll read next?

Well, I have the ARCs of  Followers by Megan Angelo, Zed by Joanna Kavenna, and Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey. I’m looking forward to finally jumping into those books! 

Now that I have answered the three Ws, it’s your turn! Let me know your answers in the comments!

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