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WWW Wednesday | 3.9.2022

WWW Wednesday a weekly blog tag

It’s Wednesday, and that means it is time for WWW Wednesday! WWW Wednesdays is a weekly tag that is currently being hosted by Taking on a World of Words! Wondering how WWW Wednesday works? Just answer the three Ws!

Those three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

It’s officially time where I have to buckle down and read a book club book. That means I’m reading Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. This is definitely not a book I would pick up especially during a global pandemic. So far it’s interesting. I’m liking the world building and the characters are pretty fascinating but it isn’t my normal read.

What did you recently finish reading?

I FINALLY FINISHED Find Your Cosmic Calling by Natalie Walstein. The book had some great information in it and it was really cool to see it all broken down by planets & houses.I could see this as a good reference book. It’s definitely not a book I feel needed to be read front to back.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Soooo…. I renewed my Kindle Unlimited subscription I’m pretty sure you all figured I would. I’m hoping that will continue to take full advantage of my subscription and not let it go to waste. My next read is definitely going to be Bound by Aveda Vice. I saw her blurb in Harley LaRoux’s facebook group and I cannot wait to jump into it.

Psst. This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

Now that I have answered the three Ws, it’s your turn! Let me know your answers in the comments!

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