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Halloween books that aren’t so scary for Adults | Book List

Are you looking for that particular book for October, but not sure where to start? I typically don’t read horror, so I have been trying to find the perfect reads to celebrate Halloween without making me put my iPad/book/nook/kindle in the freezer when I’m sleeping. Here are a few books that scratch that Halloween itch without forcing me to watch a cartoon after reading a chapter.

Halloween Haunt: An Erotic Short Story by Harley LaRoux – This short story is seriously perfect for Halloween. It features sexy fun, with horror movie vibes. This entire short story takes place at a pop-up haunted corn maze. It’s fun, it’s a little creepy, and it’s so hot you might want to wear oven mitts when you’re reading it on your kindle. Be warned by the content warning in the description, though. If those are instant hard limits, I highly recommend picking up another book.

John Dies at the End by David Wong – this book is seriously one of the trippiest books I have read. It’s a tiny bit creepy and downright hilarious. This book is filled with black humor, and just so much fun. FYI, there is some misogyny bullshit in this book, so be warned.

Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes- This book is incredibly dark, and creepy. It’s not so dark that I would classify it as horror, but it’s on the cusp. Not going to lie, there are parts of this book that will stick with me FOREVER. That tree still makes me shudder!

War of Hearts by S. Young – This book has it all vampires, werewolves, and various other supernatural creatures. It was such a fun read that is action-packed and has some super-steamy parts. FYI, this book isn’t going to be too spooky, but it definitely fits in with the Halloween theme, so I’m putting it here.

World War Z by Max Brooks – Yes, this is the same book the movie is based on, but like all book lovers, I will say the book is better. Now, here me out on this, if you didn’t like the film, you should know that it is completely different. The book is seriously 1000 times better. It’s absolutely nothing that you would expect compared to the film. If you did like the movie, this book is fantastic and expands on the world in which we see the film take place. It is entirely different, so you’ll still have some surprises. What makes this a good Halloween book (besides Zombies) is the fact that it’s creepy in the OMG this really could happen way. World War Z shows both the good and bad parts of our society. At times, it was a little too realistic. The audiobook for this book is fantastic; however, you should know that it is missing a chapter. (yep, WTF)

You by Caroline Kepnes – Yes, the same book that the Netflix TV series is based on. This book is going to make you want to wipe your social media and be cautious of everyone you meet in a bookstore. FYI the audiobook of this book is PHENOMENAL!

What are some of the books you’re reading to get in the Halloween spirit?

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