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This or That Book Tag

I saw this tag over on Sometimes Leelynn Reads, and I couldn’t help but participate. I’m taking Thursdays to participate in the various tags I have seen around twitter. I’m always a fan of This or That tags, and this isn’t one I have participated in, so I figured I would.

Reading on the bed or couch?

Definitely bed. It’s just so cozy and snuggly. When I read on the couch or my chair (yes, I have a reading chair), my dog gets upset because he wants the option to cuddle. And if I’m in the chair, he tries to snuggle the book right out of my hand.

Main male or female mc?

I am a massive fan of having dual points of view, but if I have to choose one, it would be a female main character.

Sweet or salty snacks while reading?

Salty. I like sweets occasionally, but popcorn is the best snack to eat while reading. Granted, I read on a eReader, so I don’t have to worry about getting the pages dirty.

Trilogies or quartets?

STANDALONE.. but since that isn’t an option, trilogies. I have a nasty habit of never finishing series because I never want them to end, so I’ll choose trilogy and try to convince myself that it’s a quartet, so I finish it. LOL

Reading in the AM or PM?

I’m a night owl, so I prefer to read at night. I am barely functioning during the morning, so for the sake of remembering and enjoying the book, I’m going to choose PM.

First or Third POV?

Probably First-person though I don’t really have much of a preference.

Libraries or bookstores?

Ummmm….. I love libraries, but I have to admit, I like owning my books so I’ll always choose the bookstore. As a kid, we didn’t get to own many books, which I think is one of the reasons I own so many now.

Books that make you laugh or cry?

BOTH, okay… if I have to choose, I’m going to say laugh.

black or white book covers?

Black, black covers are just so sleek and beautiful. Also, I tend to gravitate towards dark covers so black is always going to win.

character or plot-driven?

Character! I cannot finish a book if I don’t feel a connection to the characters. A good plot is fantastic, but for me, the characters make the book. I crave good characters.

Who I’m tagging:

As you may have realized, I’ve stopped tagging people in these tags. The reason I don’t tag anymore is because I want everyone to feel that they’re welcome to participate and have fun. I know when I first became active in the blogging community, I was so discouraged when I didn’t get tagged. So, I’ve decided that I’m just going to say that I hope YOU participate. Consider this as me tagging you. Please consider joining in!

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