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Why I am Weird – Dellybird’s Top Ten Tuesday Tag

I was tagged by the lovely @ReneeHuggins on twitter, and I really couldn’t resist this one! You can find Renee’s list on her blog! This tag was created by the wonderful Delly on Twitter. You can find them at @DellyBird on Twitter & their awesome blog can be found here.

“Why I am Weird” Tag rules

Why I am Weird:

**Little caveat, I’m a pretty open book, so the things that I really wouldn’t usually share are stuff that probably isn’t going to be family friendly (and my family knows this is my blog) so I’m going to share some random weird things about me.**

  1. I always stop to take pictures. I either snag a photo with my iPhone X, or I pull out my Nikon D5300. I love the sound of the shutter snapping, and I genuinely love getting those fleeting moments that you can look back on. It’s truly a beautiful thing.
  2. My family is made up of extraverts, but I’m definitely an introvert. I often baffle my family because I prefer my alone time.
  3. I hate camping, but I love nature. This fact drives my family crazy. I love nature. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of going on hikes or enjoying the beautiful colors of Colorado. With that said, I HATE camping. I often tell my friends I’m a princess when it comes to camping because I want all of the amenities of a hotel. I want a bathroom, a good bed, and no bugs/snakes/bears.
  4. I wish that it was socially acceptable to wear kitten ears in public. I’m also incredibly jealous of anyone that has the confidence to do it. I’m a kitten at heart, and there are so many days I want to wear my kitten ears out but never do.
  5. I hate driving. If I were to have a choice, I would never have to drive again. I often say I need to date/marry someone who loves to drive so that I don’t have to.
  6. I love taking road trips, which is definitely weird because I hate driving.
  7. I am utterly obsessed with Faeries, but I don’t read many faery books. They just never do justice to the creatures I love. With all that said, I typically love every faery book I have read.
  8. I’m a digital hoarder. I have so many digital files that I have 3 portable hard drives that are basically full of the same files in case something happens.
  9. I spent so many years of my life hating audiobooks only to find out that I love them, and I was just listening to the wrong genre.
  10. I secretly wish I was a cat.

Tagging the wonderful:

@JennieLy –
@BooksNest –
@c8_marie  –
@imagineamalee –
@BethTabler –
@sixcrowsbooks –
@Lifeofemilyxoxo –
@reviews_addict –
@catfairyreads –
@amandabbooks –

If I didn’t tag you, please feel free to participate! I LOVE learning more about you all, so please consider this short paragraph your personal tag. TAG YOU’RE IT!

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