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#FaeFriday | 4.24.2020

It’s Friday! That means it’s time for #FaeFriday which is my favorite day of the week! This week was inspired by springtime! Naturally, we’re talking flowers and nature! So, the prompt this week is:

What is your favorite cover that features flowers or nature?

Anytime I think of covers that feature nature, I can’t think of anything by Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart. The cover is a beautiful lime green, and I love the golden thorns that are placed throughout the bush-like design. I also think it is very fitting with the theme of Fae Friday. Not all plants are safe, just like not all faeries are benevolent.

Goodreads Summary:

A tree that sheds poison daggers; a glistening red seed that stops the heart; a shrub that causes paralysis; a vine that strangles; and a leaf that triggered a war. In Wicked Plants, Stewart takes on over two hundred of Mother Nature’s most appalling creations. It’s an A to Z of plants that kill, maim, intoxicate, and otherwise offend. You’ll learn which plants to avoid (like exploding shrubs), which plants make themselves exceedingly unwelcome (like the vine that ate the South), and which ones have been killing for centuries (like the weed that killed Abraham Lincoln’s mother).

Menacing botanical illustrations and splendidly ghastly drawings create a fascinating portrait of the evildoers that may be lurking in your own backyard. Drawing on history, medicine, science, and legend, this compendium of bloodcurdling botany will entertain, alarm, and enlighten even the most intrepid gardeners and nature lovers.

So now that you know my answer, what is a book that was so realistic it made you question reality?

Do you have a prompt idea for #FaeFriday? Leave a comment, email, or DM me on Twitter & you’re question might be featured on #FaeFriday!

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