Friday Favorites | Villains

It’s Friday, and that means it is time for Friday Favorites! Friday Favorites is hosted by the wonderful blog Something of the Book. Basically, a prompt is given, and you get to gush about your favorites. 

This week’s prompt is favorite villains, and oh boy am I struggling to think of one. I love a good anti-hero because there is some good in them. They end up being the hero of the story, and that is what I love about those good anti-heroes. But villains and anti-heroes are different, so I’m at a loss for words. So, to find a favorite villain, I’m going to have to think a little too hard on this, and probably take a not so quick gander at my bookshelves. 

Hannibal Lecter from Red Dragon by Thomas Harris – I was first introduced to Hannibal through watching Silence of the Lambs when I was a kid. Last year, I finally read Red Dragon, and I still have to say Hannibal is one of my favorite villains. He’s intelligent, and one of the first villains that actually scared me. 

Honorable mention goes to KessLee from the movie Tank Girl because Malcolm McDowell was terrific in that role. Yes, I know this isn’t a book, but seriously, KessLee was the first villain that popped in my mind when I honestly thought about it. 

And because with the best comes the worst, the worst villain in all of the books I have read is: 

The Cat in The Hat – Yes, I know this is a hot take, but seriously, that cat is the WORST. They barge into a house, start ruining everything, and then all is supposed to be forgiven in the end. NOPE, not happening. I will never forgive that cat. That damn cat gave me so much anxiety as a kid, and I still, to this day, hate that cat more than anything. 

Honorable mention goes to the kid from The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein- He destroyed a tree and made me want to rage throw a book when I was younger. 

So, what are some of your favorite villains? 

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Caffeinated Ravenclaw with a passion for books, quotes, coffee, and sparkles. Keeper of the #CopyPasteCris list. #BookBlogger. #Romancelandia reader.

12 thoughts on “Friday Favorites | Villains

  1. I love that you put The Cat in the Hat in here. He’s an asshole. Especially in the terrible Mike Myers movie version!

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