Marabel and the Book of Fate by Tracy Barrett


**Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley**
Publication: February 6, 2018
Read: January 2018
Format: Digital
Rating: 4 Caffeinated Stars

4 Stars Rating


Marabel is a young girl who is constantly overlooked because of her twin brother, Marco. Marco is the rightful heir to the kingdom of Magikos and is known as the chosen one by everyone. This book is about Marabel finally stepping out from the shadow of her brother and going on an adventure.

What I Thought:

This was the first Tracy Barrett novel that I have read and I have to say I’m really impressed. This book has all of the elements I love mashed into one story. On this middle-grade adventure book, you get to explore the kingdom of Magikos. Magikos is a magic-free kingdom. The only magic that is allowed are the “Evils” (AKA magical creatures) that are kept in Zoos, and stables. If you want to experience magic you have to go to the Barrens. The Barrens are where you’ll find all sorts of fantastical creatures including but not limited to faeries, ogres, dragons, and giants.

The plot was well thought out and developed and it was fun to join Marabel on her journey through the Barrens. I could go into more depth but I fear that it might contain spoilers so I will just say, that I enjoyed the girl power nature of this book.

“Poor little neglected princess — everyone pays attention to your brother and not you, is that right? Don’t come to me for sympathy — I’ve had to fight the same battle my whole life, and look at me now!”

Something else that I liked was the characters. Many times an author will make the rightful heir hated and a jerk, what I liked is that Marco was lovable. He seemed to truly care about Marabel and was a good brother. I loved it. Marabel was lovable as well and though there were times where she could have been self-pitting she never once stopped with her adventure. My only issue was that the characters didn’t have much depth to them. I would have loved to see more growth in all of the characters.

All in all, I enjoyed this book. I’m giving it 4 stars because I loved the fast-paced nature of the book but I also wanted a little more depth.

** I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Now, I know this blog just started but I want you to know that I will always give an honest rating. If I love a book I will sing its praises. If I hate a book, I’ll share my critics. I’m honest to a fault and if it gets me kicked off of an ARC team then so be it.**


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Caffeinated Ravenclaw with a passion for books, quotes, coffee, and sparkles. Keeper of the #CopyPasteCris list. #BookBlogger. #Romancelandia reader.

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