Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

The wonderful Leah tagged me in her post, so I figured it was time to do this fantastic tag by Jenniely. With Christmas just around the corner, I figured I should see if Santa was bringing me Jason Mamoa or if Krampus was going to give me some spankings. So join me on my journey to see if I’m Naughty or Nice.

Received an ARC and not reviewed it? ✓

Ummm… no… I would never. Except that I have, and I still feel utterly guilty for not having read some of the ARCs I have received. I’ve done a lot better now that I’m not a bookseller and only request ARCs that look amazing. 

Have less than 60% feedback rating on NetGalley?

I am sitting at a very impressive 88%. I’ve worked really hard on keeping up with my ARCs, so I’m thrilled that I’m in the high 80s! 

Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)? ✓

Definitely. This is one of my problems. I have read so many books this year that I keep promising a review and just have never gotten around to writing them. I hope that one of these days, I’ll have time to dedicate myself to writing my thoughts down. 

Folded down the page of a book?

Nope. I can’t stand to see bent pages. I even have Book Beaus to protect my books if I put them in my purse or a bag. 

Accidentally spilled on a book?

I’ve had a few close calls but nothing this year! 

DNF a book this year?✓

Yep. I’ve DNFd way too many books this year. Life is too short to read books you’re not enjoying. 

Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it? ✓

Yep! While I was at the Library sale, they had so many beautiful books that I had to grab a few. I’ll never read them, but they’re just so beautiful. I did put them into my jar of unread books, so who knows, maybe I’ll read them. 

Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)? ✓

…maybe. I’ll never tell. HAHAHA

Skim read a book? ✓

I only skim a book if I’m thinking of DNFing the book. If, after skimming a few chapters, I still can’t get into it, I’ll DNF it. 

Completely missed your Goodreads goal? 

This year I am actually way over my goal, which is extremely exciting! I just finished my 100th book, and my Goodreads goal was 75!

Borrowed a book and not returned it? ✓

…no. I would never do that. *looks around nervously* nope… never. 

Broke a book buying ban? ✓

All the time. lol

Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about? ✓

Yep. Definitely. 

Wrote in a book you were reading?

Nope. Never I love sticky notes & the notes option on kindle/nook. 

Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads?

I ALWAYS add it on Goodreads. I’m just that person who has to have it on Goodreads. 

Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend? ✓

I always return it once it is read. Unfortunately, I fail at actually reading books, so I’ll mark this as a yes because I fail at times. 

Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book? ✓

ALL THE TIME. It’s one of those that I always try to change the subject. I just can’t handle someone hurting my poor book. 

Broke the spine of someone else’s book?

Nope. That is just rude and evil. 

Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged?

Nope, I am actually really protective of my books, so I always try to keep them in perfect condition. 

Sat on a book accidentally? ✓

Hahaha! Yep. 

So… I’m sitting here with 12 checkmarks, so I guess I’m definitely on the naughty list. I think Krampus needs to give me some spankings. Psst. if spankings from Krampus sounds like your kind of book Harley LaRoux has a new short coming out soon!

Want to join in? Please join in! I tag anyone who wants to join in! Here’s the list for you to copy and see if you’ve earned some spankings.

  • Received an ARC and not reviewed it  
  • Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
  • Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)
  • Folded down the page of a book
  • Accidentally spilled on a book
  • DNF a book this year
  • Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
  • Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)
  • Skim read a book
  • Completely missed your Goodreads goal
  • Borrowed a book and not returned it
  • Broke a book buying ban
  • Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about
  • Wrote in a book you were reading
  • Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads
  • Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend
  • Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book
  • Broke the spine of someone else’s book
  • Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged
  • Sat on a book accidentally

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Caffeinated Ravenclaw with a passion for books, quotes, coffee, and sparkles. Keeper of the #CopyPasteCris list. #BookBlogger. #Romancelandia reader.

10 thoughts on “Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

  1. I don’t understand why DNF is a naughty or nice thing… DNFing is perfectly legit thing to do. We teach it in elementary school. It is ok to not force yourself through something you don’t like. I think it creates frustration and reading slumps. Should you just give up on a book? Of course not. I even tried the audible before giving up on QOTC but if it isn’t for you there is no shame in it. That is why there are so many books in the world.

    Rant done 🙂

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